Let me start out by saying that the week we were there, in early October, there had been some forest fires burning on the North Rim, one of them since July, according to a Ranger. As a result, the smoke went down into the canyon at night, and mixed with the mist from the river. As the sun came up and warmed everything, the smoke/mist began to rise. It gave everything a very mystical look. All the particles in the air made for less than ideal viewing of the Canyon, but at the same time, made for some great sunrises and sunsets.

The Dawn Mather Point photo (right) was taken at dawn as the smoke and mist began to rise from the Canyon floor.
Fire on the North Rim (left) is the above mentioned forest fires late in the afternoon. The plumes of smoke seemed to get thicker as the sun began to set:

Kaibab Trailhead (left) and South Kaibab View (right) were taken at the S. Kaibab Trailhead (Oddly enough) first thing in the AM, about 6:30, in early October of this year.

I took these on my solo hike down the South Kaibab Trail to commemorate my 50th birthday. I hiked to just below where the Tonto Trail meets the South Kaibab Trail, had a snack and rested, then turned around and hiked back out. Great, great hike! I felt terriffic, and certainly a lot better than some of the people I passed.


The two Sunrise photos (left and below) were taken at Mather Point before the sun came up. Everyone else was waiting to actually see the sun, but I was captivated by the colors and firing away. These were actually taken just before dawn.

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