About our Stereo Images of the Grand Canyon

How to view Stereo Images

To view stereo images, you need special viewing glasses, like these:

They aren't fancy, but they do bring the stereo 3-D effect to life. Hold them before your eyes, then move closer to the image until the stereo image's two panels appear to merge (about 10" from the stereo image). At this point parts of the image should appear to be jumping off the screen at you.

An example stereo image. Stereo viewing glasses align the two panels to create the illusion of a 3-dimensional image.

How does the stereo effect work?

Human's binocular vision, and attendant ability to perceive depth, is due to having two eyes separated slightly from one another. Although not that far apart, the images captured by each eye are different enough that the brain is able to piece them together and provide the illusion of looking at a single image.

The two panels in a stereo photograph image are taken by two cameras with their lenses separated by about the distance of human eyes. The two resulting pictures approximate what each human eye sees. The eyes, aided by special viewing glasses, perceive these two images as though they are from our own eyes. The resulting perception is a composite of the two images that gives a dimensional feel.

Where can I get Stereo Viewing Glasses?

As a convenience, we offer stereo viewing glasses for a nominal $3.50 a pair, postage/handling included. Click here to order your pair today. Prefer something fancier? Stereoscopy offers a broad selection of stereo image viewing accessories.

View Stereo Images of the Grand Canyon

Visit GrandCanyonHiker.com's stereo image gallery to experience the Grand Canyon in its full 3-D glory. Check back often. We will be adding more Grand Canyon stereo images on a regular basis. Click here to view stereo images.

Send a 3-D Stereo Postcard

Send a 3-D Stereo Postcard to a friend! That's right, you can send a 3-D stereo postcard of a Grand Canyon scene to a friend. Do it now!

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